วันศุกร์ที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Why choose this brand ?

Nike does two things exceedingly well: The first is product design. The second is marketing.

But I'm still trying to wrap my mind around whether or not Nike purposely focuses its innovation on cooler products rather than better products.

Nike goes beyond making sports cool and glamorous and sexy. Nike actually makes us feel that we are part of a community.   A brotherhood/sisterhood. We're athletes. Nike channels that need, that basic component of the human psyche to belong and to feel that we can do something meaningful and courageous and brave and extraordinary. Nike, in becoming synonymous with sport, becomes the vehicle through which we experience our own athleticism.

In short, whether or not we run to the store to buy Nike products, Nike starts fires in our souls. How many brands can claim to do that?

When you buy a Nike product, you are buying into that promise. That image. That culture. When you wear the Nike swoosh, you are making a statement: I'm an athlete. I'm one of them. I'm one of you. You're also spreading the gospel of sport.

The Nike brand completely transcends its products by making them seem like mere tools of the trade. Athletic accessories. Parts and components with which to customize your own athletic experience.

4 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. Dear all of my beloved business partners,

    As a General Manager of Whiskas Thailand, First of all, I would like to say "many thanks" to all of you my beloved business partners for a good relationship that you all have been give us, Whiskas , the sincere contact. However, to develop our business better, I would like to invite you to involve in Whiskas’s development .Please, feel free to give us suggestion, comments, or whatever you think we should to prove for being better. Hopefully, you will give us the golden opportunity to increase our properties and qualities.

    Thank you for your time

    Best regards,
    Miss Araya Likitkarn

  2. Dear all of my beloved business partners,
    As the General of Barbie blog in Eng-380, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the comment your idea to my blog. On this joyous occasion, I wish to share today to closest friends for propose comment.
    My blog will be beautiful than any of us can imagine, the time is upon us to watch my blog and flourish into a new stage for create of my blog. You may propose idea while you watch in my blog finished.
    I hope to see you there, to enjoy this special day with my Barbie blog.
    Thank you for your time

    Best regards,
    Miss.Sumalin Korsem

  3. Dear,Nike Manager

    I’m Piyanut Ninubon, Oriental Princess Brand manager, I would like to thank you so much for your invitation. I’m glad to be the part of your brand and I really appreciate to join your blog as well.

    First of all, I would like to say that your blog is very interesting and I really love your design. Your blog is really nice and have a focus point. Moreover, your font is very nicely and clearly and your heading can show your brand that is suitable and so attractive to the audience. Your head of blog is very interesting; I like your head so much and its match with your background as well.

    Lastly, I would like to congratulation with your blog. I really appreciate to be a part of your blog.

    Piyanut Ninubon
    Oriental Princess’s brand manager

  4. Dear, NIKE brand manager.

    i'm Araya Likitkarn , Whiskas's Brand manager.Thank for the invitation .

    The advantages of blogs you are First,Color of your blog is black make your blog is very classic. Second, Image in your hand blog is very beautiful and cools. your design is so good!. And the last Information of interest. I think your blog should be plus many your products in every page.

    My advice is only a part that may cause you to develop a better blog , keep doing it! . If you do not like my advice , i would to say sorry.

    welcome to suggest
    Miss.Araya Likitkarn.
    Whiskas brand manager.
